Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine, Ending Longstanding Deference to U.S. Administrative Agencies

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the “Chevron deference,”…

DHS States Border Arrests Dropped by Over 40% Following Biden Executive Action

Arrests from illegal crossing at the U.S. southern border…

Per Circuit Court, Expired Diversity Visas Cannot Be Processed

A district court ruled that expired diversity visas cannot…

Supreme Court Rules Citizens Cannot Contest Denied Spousal Visa

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled U.S. citizens do not have the…

H-1B Rule Update Anticipated This Year with Possible Restrictions

A proposed rule addressing possible changes to the H-1B…

DACA Holders May Be Eligible For H-1B Visas Under New Immigration Policy

A new policy may provide employment authorization including…

Iowa Immigration Law Temporarily Blocked

A federal judge issued a temporary injunction to the Iowa…

Protection for Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens Announced

President Biden announced protection from deportation for…

Supreme Court Supports Current Removal Notice Process

The U.S. Supreme Court found the current notification…

Lawsuit Filed Challenging Biden Asylum Executive Action

A lawsuit has been filed challenging asylum executive…