white house

President-Elect Joe Biden to Introduce Immigration Bill on First Day

President-Elect Joe Biden is planning to unveil a sweeping…


Reminder: H-1B Amendment Requirements Are Not Relaxed During Pandemic

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, many people are…

desks in a classroom

New DHS Unit To Review Optional Practical Training as Path to H-1B

A new unit is being developed by the U.S. Department of…

a globe

Second Revision to H-1B Wages Announced

A second set of new wage requirements for H-1B specialty…

legal gavel on a table

Asylum Restriction Efforts Blocked

Efforts to restrict immigrants fleeing from oppression was…

legal gavel on a table

H-1B Visa Denial for Market Research Analyst Reversed by Massachusetts Judge

Yesterday, the denial of an H-1B Visa for a market research…

statue of liberty

DHS Announces Final Rule for H-1B Lottery for Visa Workers

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a final…


USCIS Updates to National Average Processing Time Shows Increasing Time Requirements

The USCIS recently released an update to the Historical…