Representatives Bill Posey (R- Florida) and Bob Good (R- Virginia) each introduced bills to pose further immigration restrictions.

Rep. Posey’s bill, reintroduced on January 21, 2021 after its original introduction on January 10, 2021, would eliminate the diversity visa lottery, which allows up to 55,000 people from underrepresented countries to immigrate to the United States each year.

Rep. Good’s bill, introduced on January 21, 2021, seeks to prevent any person who has been convicted of a crime from being eligible to receive asylum.

These bills are unlikely to gain traction in Congress, where both Houses have a Democratic majority.

President Biden has already used several executive orders to undo Trump-era immigration restrictions. President Biden has also temporarily suspended deportations, stopped wall construction, and plans to send legislation to Congress to create a pathway for citizenship for people who are unlawfully residing in the United States.

If you have questions about the ever changing immigration landscape, contact us at ILBSG. Get the right advice.