A second lawsuit has been filed against an Alabama car parts manufacturer due to differences between the employment the individual was hired to fill and their ultimate employment. The company is being sued by a group of foreign workers who state they were hired to fill highly skilled roles through the TN visa in engineering but were ultimately placed in manufacturing roles. As such, they claim they are underpaid and forced to work excessive hours.

The TN visa is a Trade NAFTA visa, meant to bring highly skilled individuals to fill roles in the U.S. The company allegedly lured Mexican individuals with false job ads, promoting roles in engineering. Once the visa was received, the individuals claim they were put on the manufacturing line. This is in clear violation of visa requirements.

A similar lawsuit was filed last year for a different recruiting firm with the same issue.

If you have questions about a TN visa or any other immigration-related issue, contact our attorneys at ILBSG. Our team of experienced and expert attorneys works with our clients to ensure they remain in compliance with all U.S. immigration policies.