The FY 2022 H-1B Cap will close on June 30, 2021, which is the last day USCIS will accept petitions for cases selected in the lottery. This means all H-1B cap cases must be filed prior to June 30, 2021, to ensure they are received on time by USCIS. Any petition received by USCIS after June 30, 2021, will be rejected.

Due to the high volume of cases being filed in the final weeks and the increased potential for unforeseen delays, ILBSG urges all clients to create and file any remaining H-1B petitions ASAP. Historically, we have witnessed LCA delays as well as FedEx delays as the H-1B filing period comes to a close. As such, it is important to file all remaining petitions as soon as possible, to ensure timely delivery to USCIS.

For ILBSG to prepare the H-1B petition, you must first create the case in the MyEsq Portal. For any remaining H-1B cap cases you plan to file, please create the petition in our portal without delay so we have sufficient time to prepare.

If you have an H-1B cap-related question or require assistance with the MyEsq Portal, please reach out to an ILBSG attorney today.