Recent Supreme Court Decision Cited as Basis to Allow Texas Immigration Law

Texas argues that using the same reasoning as cited in a…

Texas Migrant Arrest Law Blocked by Fifth Circuit Court

The Fifth Circuit blocked the Texas immigration law in a…

Circuit Court Hears Texas Immigration Law Arguments

The Fifth Circuit judges questioned Texas on the…

Texas immigration Law Blocked by Appeals Court

Soon after the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the Texas…

Texas Migrant Arrest Law Takes Effect

In an abrupt turn around, the U.S. Supreme Court is…

Texas Immigration Law Further Delayed by Supreme Court Justice

Justice Alito of the U.S. Supreme Court enacted a further…

Supreme Court Justice Further Delays Texas’ Migrant Arrest Law

The Texas law that gives state authorities the power to…

U.S. Supreme Court Considers Texas Immigration Law

The U.S. Supreme Court is asked to consider the Texas State…

Texas Governor Enacts Laws Enabling Arrest and Deportation for Illegal Entry to the State

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed three immigration-related…

floating barrier

Texas Sued Over Floating Barrier

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit…