The initial registration period for the FY 2026 H-1B cap opens at noon eastern standard time on March 7th and runs until noon eastern standard time on March 24th, 2025. Prospective registrants and their representatives must use a USCIS online account to register electronically and pay the required $215 H-1B registration fee for each submitted beneficiary. Online registration is the only way potential applicants or their representatives can apply

H-1B petitioning employers must have a USCIS account to apply. If employers had a H-1B registration account for the FY 2021 – FY 2024 registration seasons but did not use it for the FY 2025 registration season, the existing account will be converted to an organizational account after the next login. Representatives can add clients to their accounts at any time, but both representatives and registrants cannot enter beneficiary information and submit registration before March 7th. Selection will only begin after the registration period ends, so there is no rush to register right on March 7th.

The FY 2026 H-1B cap uses the beneficiary-centric selection process launched in FY2025. This process selects registrations by unique beneficiary rather than by registration. Registrations received before the March 24th deadline will be randomly selected for beneficiaries. Beneficiary recipients and their representatives are notified via their USCIS online account email of their selection by March 31st.

As always, ILBSG actively monitors ongoing U.S. immigration news. If you have questions about any U.S. immigration related issue, contact us. Working with an experienced attorney ensures you get the right advice based on the most recent laws. In an ever-evolving immigration policy landscape, it’s particularly critical.